Our environmental policy is a statement of our stance towards delivering our services with minimal impact on the environment.
We prioritise our environmental responsibilities in all our business operations - with the intention of reducing our carbon footprint, recycling more, minimising waste and improving efficiencies on finite natural resources in all our operations.
Steps we have taken towards fulfilling these responsibilities include:
Reducing printing by using electronic communication or printing double sided where possible.
Installing a shower and changing facilities to encourage staff to cycle, run or walk to work.
Fitting low energy lighting.
Maximising and promoting recycling opportunities in our offices, for example - using returnable glass milk bottles.
Taking environmental impact into consideration when selecting suppliers, including using local ones wherever possible.
Donating obsolete computer equipment to charities that can reuse or recycle them.
Environmental commitments are an integral part of our day-to-day activities and we are constantly looking for ways in which we can improve our green credentials.